(204) 475-9997


our Services

Play Therapy

When adults have problems, they are able to articulate their thoughts verbally. They can consult a peer, a a minister...

Self Image Building

The way a child sees himself can drastically affect how he interacts with taround him. It can...

Parent-Child Conflicts

Raising children automatically means that there will be some conflict between the parent ..

Anger Management

Anger is a universal emotion. Everyone gets angry at times, but many people have trouble...

Custody Access & Guardianship Assessments

In numerous separating and divorce situations as well as in child welfare The purpose of matters judges .....

Parenting Plans

The purpose of a parenting plan is to help parents continue to offer stability and consistency..The purpose of a parenting plan ts continue ..

Supervised Access

After a separation, both parents will want to have access to the children. Usually there is an interim agreement regarding the sharing...

Family Mediation Services

Mediation is a process designed to help the disputing parties reach an agreement. In most cases where there is conflict family...